Personal Growth

How to form a habit?

Why do we brush our teeth every single day of our lives? Because it only takes 2 to 3 minutes and it would be incredibly hard to justify not spending such a small amount of time for our maintaining our own personal hygiene. What if exercising becomes as simple and habitual as brushing our teeth?

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Why do we split the data into train and test sets?

Let's talk about why we keep "splitting the data" into different sets.

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Tech stocks vs Cyclical stocks

Tech stocks have been wobbling all over the place for the last couple of days. The dominant narrative around this has been that the investors are pulling away from the tech stocks and moving into cyclical stocks. But what are cyclical stocks anyways? And why are investors pushing their way into them?

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On Trying to Control Outcomes

Trying to control the outcome is futile. It's akin to day dreaming. Its good to indulge ourselves a little, but we are better off by not becoming a slave to it.

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