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On Trying to Control Outcomes

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Trying to control the outcome is futile.

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It can only be transferred from one form to another. We can spend it on thinking about and desiring for a certain outcome OR we can utilize the same energy on our actions (doing something).

Trying to control the outcomes is akin to day dreaming. Its good to indulge ourselves a little, but we are better off by not becoming a slave to it.

Why focus on the inputs?

  • Our journey is the sum total of inputs we provide.
  • Journey is all we have.
  • Inputs are the only thing we can control.
  • By focusing on the inputs.. by doing our best work and doing it right, we can expect the outcome to take care of itself.

What are the inputs?

  • Dress up and show up. Every day.
  • Be relentless. Ship that feature, write that blog post, answer that annoying customer’s request even if you don’t feel like it. Especially if you don’t feel like it.
  • Enjoy the journey. No one can predict when it’ll end, might as well enjoy it while we can.


  • Be hyper focused on the inputs.
  • Trust the process. Trust yourself.
  • The outcome will take care of itself.